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Dr Isaac M Mankilik is an officer of the Nigerian Navy. He joined the service in November
1985 and retired in January 2014 with his full rank of Commodore. He is an Industrial
Engineer, Operations Research Specialist, Systems Analyst, Mathematician, Educationist,
Biographer and Specialist in Readiness Strategies. He holds a PhD, MSc, MA and B. Ed
degrees from various universities, home and abroad. He is a member of several
professional bodies. He was a Director of Naval Education as well as Defence Education at
the Naval Headquarters and Defence Headquarters respectively. He was a Senior Lecturer
in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna, and a
Principal Research Fellow and Head of Department, Science and Technology, at the
National Defence College, Nigeria from 2015-2019. He is the current Registrar of the
Admiralty University of Nigeria, Ibusa, Delta State.