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411 University St, Seattle



Moyosore Olaofe is an editor with several years of professional experience.
She has a keen eye for details, excellent organisational skills, and a passion
for precision. She has established herself as a proficient editor in various
domains. Alongside her exceptional editing abilities, Moyosore is highly
proficient in utilising computer technologies and Google Workspace tools to
enhance productivity and streamline workflow. Her expertise in leveraging
these digital tools has enabled her to excel in managing projects,
collaborating with teams, and delivering high-quality work within deadlines.

She began her career as an editor right after completing her Bachelor’s
degree in English Studies from the Ekiti State University. In the last few years,
she has honed her skills and developed a deep understanding of the editing
process and has also embarked on training and workshops to further develop
her skills in the publishing world. Her experience spans across different forms
of content editing, including biographies, school books, articles, journals,
reports, blog posts, and marketing materials. Moyosore is well-versed in the
international style guides, ensuring consistency and adherence to the
industry standards in her editing work.